A handbook for the first days: After a long journey, our platform/magazine project is finally online. As you can see: There is a free membership plan, which allows you to visit the „Daily Pures“ gallery and also to read all the frequently posted editorial stories. To see the whole content, we kindly invite you to apply to one of our paid plans.

Purest Magazine is a freemium/paid platform project. Asking for membership payments is primarily not about winning a fortune, but to cover the costs of photography and filmmaking. And I can tell you: (Model-)Photography/Filmmaking is quite expensive. And Pictures and videos posted here have value. With your contribution, you are not only supporting and keeping alive Purest Magazine, but also appreciating and valuing our models and the art, our photographers/filmmakers are creating. Unlike other platforms/magazines, we highly appreciate the work of our contributors through an affiliate program, we established, which empowers our creators to earn money for their work.

In Austria, we have a saying: “What costs nothing is worth nothing!”

Of course, nowadays you can get almost everything for free. The hardest porn is waiting around the corner – for free. But take a closer look! Is it real? Is it genuine, or is it just fake, what “professional” actresses and actors are leading you to believe in? Of course, for many, it is enough. And that’s OK (if in this porn no one is exploited, suffers mental and physical harm and everyone acts in mutual agreement).

In any case, it’s not enough for us. We want more. We want the real thing: Real emotions, real excitement and real enthusiasm of real, naturally beautiful women. As already mentioned in another post: We believe, that there is more, more valuable, than fake porn. At Purest Magazine, we celebrate the purity of natural female beauty. We celebrate respect, appreciation and love. Creating genuine, authentic, and sensual art is our commitment. And if you feel the same way, then Purest Magazine is the right choice for you.

At the moment, we only offer two membership plans (for technical and strategic reasons): The Free Plan, and the Gold Membership Plan, which is an infinite one. As long, as you live (and we hope that you will stay healthy, happy and safe for a long, long time) and our project stays alive (and as we absolutely LOVE what we are doing, and it’s our “baby”, we will do everything to keep it alive “forever” 😉 ).

For the Gold Plan, we are asking for about three and a half years membership costs and we clearly understand and respect, that it might be too much money right now for many of you (thinking of, how the Magazine will develop, as it’s brand new, how it will prosper or struggle etc.).

With the lifetime membership plan, we turn to our most loyal fans, our most ardent admirers, our patrons. We are in a very exciting and important initial phase now and if you want to support us in those first months of Purest Magazine, you will really be kickstarting us and we thank a lot for your faith and your respect. And hey, it’s the right moment now, Christmas is close at hand and with our coupon “digforgold20” you will get 20% off!

We plan to offer the Gold/Lifetime-Plan only at certain times, like now at the beginning and and on other special occasions. For now, the Gold-Plan-offer will end on January 31st 2024. Our Gold Members will not only have lifetime access to the entire content of our Purest Magazine digital membership platform, but will enjoy various further benefits, like free downloadable digital goods (e.g. a yearly book “Best Of Purest Magazine, calendars, wallpaper pictures, a digital copy of our quarterly magazine-book Purest Magazine) or also special Gold discounts on printed goods (e.g. large format prints, calendars, the quarterly printed magazine-book Purest Magazine), or also frequent live streams, Behind The Scenes, …

So hurry up, get your personal Gold membership, get a whole bunch of Gold benefits and kickstart us with your support!

For all the others: Don’t worry! You are welcome to join our Free Plan and enjoy the content of the “Daily Pures” gallery and the editorial stories. And there will be the “classic” recurring monthly, half-yearly and yearly plans soon, which will be less costly and will of course grant you access to the entire content of the digital membership platform for your chosen duration of your plan and/or as long as you allow your plan to be renewed.

We are so excited, that our magazine platform finally arrived, caring very much about our “baby” and we hope that you will enjoy it a lot. Glad to have you on board!