Important information about the payment process: Isn’t it nice to see the Magazine growing? The face of our platform is constantly changing as new content is added. For those of you, who can’t wait to watch and enjoy the growing amount of media, there are some important points to mention about the payment process:

  • Our present payment provider is Paypal. That will change soon, as we will add an additional payment-provider soon with more options to pay (like credit cards, …) and more membership plans for you.
  • Whenever you use a valid coupon (coupons are NOT cumulative) and add it to the coupon field, take care that it is removed, if you do some changes in other fields (like checking a mandatory checkbox, you forgot to check or change the content of any other field, add content to fields, …) YOU HAVE TO ENTER THE COUPON CODE AGAIN. Otherwise the discount will not be deducted from your payment.
  • Check the Summary, if all amounts are correct and remember the final amount shown there!
  • Immediately after you press the “Submit” button, the total amount changes back to the original amount before coupon discount for a second (before you are forwarded to Paypal). We can’t change that strange behavior, but don’t worry: The final payment amount should be correctly transferred to Paypal. It is crucial that the amount in Paypal is correct
  • In rare occasions we discovered during our tests, that the coupon IS NOT ADDED IN PAYPAL. Please DOUBLE CHECK the final sum (incl. taxes) if the coupon discount is deducted correctly and the final amount is equal to the sum shown before in the summery (see information above). If it’s not, cancel the payment process and try again. We apologize for any inconvenience.
  • This information only applies to payments with redemption of coupon discounts and we discovered this incorrect behavior of the payment gateway only two times during over 100 test payments we did. But in any case we want to inform you to ensure you have a good user experience right from the beginning on.
  • Please do not hesitate to contact us if something has gone wrong. Together we will solve any problem you may have.

Enjoy Purest Magazine right from the start!